
Progressive Neurology is a Pediatric and Adult Neurology Practice located in Bergen County, New Jersey, with primary focus on three areas, Seizures and Epilepsy, Sleep Disorders, and Behavioral Neurology and Autism. 

Progressive Neurology is not a regular neurology practice. It is progressive in more than one way. We strive to stay ahead in scientific and medical information. We constantly review the latest scientific articles and attend medical conferences to ensure that our knowledge on neurological conditions is up to date. We discuss various novel diagnostic and treatment approaches with patients and ask that patients and their families be part of the decision regarding any treatment. 

Furthermore, we are open to novel, experimental and alternative approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. We collaborate with various practitioners who use unconventional medical therapies and work with them to ensure that patients receive the best care possible. 

Finally, our commitment to excellence and progress goes beyond daily clinical practice. We conduct and participate in research 

projects with the goal of helping achieve new scientific discoveries that would provide safer and more effective treatment options.